A Bidirectional CAD File Conversion Tool
SESConverter is a powerful SICL-DXF-DWG bidirectional conversion software tool that can be used to import and convert CAD files compatible with the DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) or AutoCAD proprietary DWG formats to various SES software package compatible input files (*.f05) that use the SES Input Command Language (SICL). Conversely, SESConverter can also convert SES input files (*.f05) to DXF and DWG formats.
Convert DXF/DWG to SES F05 Format (Import Operation):
Import option implies one can convert DXF/DWG files to SES input files (*.f05); the generated files (MALT, MALZ or HIFREQ compatible computation modules) can then be imported in SESCAD. SESConverter lists and visualizes all Layers, Entities, and Blocks contained in the DXF or DWG file and it is possible to discard any extra layers and entities included in the DXF or DWG file and import only the entities and the blocks which are required for the study in the converted SES input file.
Convert DXF and DWG Entities to SES Objects:
Save Selected DXFLayers:
Convert SES F05 to DXF/DWG Format (Export Operation):
Export implies that CAD objects are converted from SES input files (*.f05) to DXF or DWG format: SES conductors, rods and plates are all converted to DXF lines.
Radius Mapping:
The radius of conductors in SICL input files can be associated to the color property of the corresponding DXF entities. Conversely, the color of entities in CAD files can be associated to specific radius values in SICL input files.
A powerful CAD add-on software component (CADEditorX) is integrated into SESConverter to handle DXF3DSolid entities in DXF or DWG CAD compatible files. This CADEditorX software component converts DXF3DSolid entities to DXF3DFace or PolyLine3D entities, thereby enabling SESConverter to handle DXF3DSolid entities. Moreover, the CADEditorX interface offers improved image display and the ability to create, edit, and manipulate images for those who have sufficient CAD knowledge. It is based on the industry standard CADEditorX proprietary software.
On the right side of the main toolbar in SESConverter, above the viewer panel, there are two buttons related to CADEditorX functions:
The CADEditorX Menu
The main menu of SESConverter has a CADEditorX entry, providing access to the functionalities described below:
Extensive context-sensitive help is available to discover all functionalities of CADEditorX and SESConverter.