Customized Training Courses

This option offers organizations complete personalization of the content, schedule, location and number of attendees of the training sessions. Your choice of attendees can be changed any time before the session starts. The training cost is based on an agreed fixed amount per event, regardless of the number of attendees.

Take advantage of these benefits:

  • Design course material to meet your needs
  • Train your entire staff at once
  • Practical examples based on your projects

At the end of the technical training you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion of Training. SES will also grant you the equivalent of PDH (Professional Development Hours) for this training.

SES will furnish each attendee with the course notes on a complimentary 16 GB USB 3.0 data drive. A software protection key as well as a temporary license of the full CDEGS software package will also be supplied for the duration of the training.